Pump the milk from the bigger breast first, Mom!Ma, that the breasts increase two to three times during breastfeeding.This is due to hormonal changes, mainly caused by prolactin and makes the breasts enlarge with milk production.If you already have signs of breast enlargement during breastfeeding, it's actually normal.But when there are complaints such as a large breast next to it, it might make Mama uncomfortable and interfere with appearance.So that it doesn't become a scary challenge, it would be better if you know 5 ways to deal with large breasts while breastfeeding.Come on, follow these tips from Popmama.com!If you have large breasts while breastfeeding, then this may be something that worries you.Yes, because breastfeeding with large breasts can be more difficult for first-time mothers.But Mama can do the process of breastfeeding the baby in the small breast first.This is to produce a healthy milk supply.In addition, the breasts will be stimulated to fill the breast milk glands.This will make it grow in size.So do this step for at least a few days, that is, until the smaller breast size matches the larger breast size.Many new moms are worried about a larger breast when breastfeeding.If that happens to you, then try sticking the baby in a direct attachment to hold him.Then direct the baby's lips to the nipple.Especially done alternately using both sides of the breast every time you feed.This is so that you have a stable and abundant supply of breast milk on both sides of the breast.Remember Ma, the act of feeding alternately can overcome the large breast on the other side.This includes preventing breasts that have not been expressed by breast milk to avoid pain because they are fully filled with breast milk.It's normal for a nursing mother to worry about one-sided breasts.But with a little help from the start, you can start breastfeeding well.To make breastfeeding easier, you should express the breast using your hand or a breast pump.By breastfeeding directly and pumping breast milk or doing a mixture of the two, babies get the nutrition they need.Reporting from Verywellfamily, pumping breast milk is a technique if breastfeeding only from one breast because the other breast needs to be healed or rested.Squeeze it from that side to keep producing milk.Breast size does not determine how much milk will be produced.However, if you experience breast enlargement on one side only, then when it is not sucked by the baby, accumulation will occur.This can lead to swelling and infection (mastitis).The most important technique for dealing with it is pumping it.This time do the pumping of breast milk on the larger breast first, yes.Find a comfortable and quiet seat.Then take a deep breath, do five minutes of meditation and then yoga stretches.This step is to complete breastfeeding activities so that it runs smoothly.It even makes the milk supply always high, because the breasts give a signal to continue to produce it.If you experience a bigger breast on the other side, of course this is a different challenge, right?Well, you should consider massaging your breasts.That breast massage has many benefits for nursing mothers.The reason is, breastfeeding mothers who receive breast massage will experience less breast pain while breastfeeding.Even babies are also suckling more at the breast.Quoted from Healthline, breast massage is a tool that can be used for various purposes.This can relieve muscle soreness and improve the breastfeeding experience.Even a 15-minute massage is enough to reap the benefits.That's the five right ways to deal with large breasts next door.With the guidance and advice of a lactation consultant, you can breastfeed better.Hi Ma, I'm starting to be able to ask questions and share experiences with parenting experts.Weekly pregnancy guide for mothers/mothers, complete with articles and calculations for labor planning